A renewable energy roadmap 2030
The global share of renewable energy can reach as high as 36% by 2030 with technologies that are already available today as well as with improved energy efficiency and energy access. Going further than this will require thinking “outside the box”, with early retirement of conventional energy facilities, technology breakthroughs and consumer-driven societal change. The report summarised here, prepared by the International renewable energy agency (IRENA) through broad consultations and engagement around the world, provides a global roadmap for doubling the share of renewables in the energy mix.
This full report of REmap 2030 provides insights into five specific areas:
- Pathways for doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix based on the national plans of 26 REmap countries and the additional REmap Options, and how to go beyond doubling based on different strategies represented by the RE+ Options;
- Socio-economic impacts related to doubling the global share of renewable energy;
- Current situation of renewable energy markets in the power, district heat and end-use (industry, buildings, transport) sectors as well as developments between 2010 and 2030 if all REmap Options are implemented;
- National policy proposals to improve the existing policy framework;
- Opportunities for international co-operation of governments for doubling the global share of renewable energy.
Download Renewable energy roadmap 2030 by IRENA.