The annual 6th edition of „The Forum of Biomass & Waste” will take place on 9th - 10th March 2017 in Cracow, Poland.

           fsb6enThe upcoming VI edition of the Forum in 2017, will focus on current legislative directions of the implementation of key investments in “Waste to Energy” and biomass in Poland and Europe. Experts will discuss the potential of biomass, waste and alternative fuels and the issue of their quality. They will also consider how the introduction of the so-called "Blue Certificates" influenced the biogas industry. Additionally, they will refer to the order of the General Director of State Forests, concerning the rules of the wood for energy trade in 2017.

Agenda includes:

  • On  9thMarch 2017 – debates and lectures at the plenary session
  • On 10th March 2017 – all participants are invited to visit the newly opened eco-waste incinerator in Cracow (ZTPO) - Strategic Partner of Forum.

At the moment among the entities involved in the Forum are:

Dublin Waste-to-Energy Project Ltd., Dublin Citi Council, Covanta, Fortum Värme, Krakowski Holding Communal SA, Tauron Heat sp. O.o. Polish Chamber of Commerce Recycling, SUEZ, Agricultural biogas plant in Konopnica, Mardom, EUBIA, CEWEP, LatBio, KAPE, MPEC Lembork Swiss Contribution, Marshal of Malopolska, Polish Chamber of Biomass, FEAD, uarea contains, SK BIOM,, The Wood Pellet Association of Canada, Centro da para Biomass Energy, PIMOT, Cracow University of Technology, University of Agriculture, Lafarge Group Ozarow, Russian Biofules Association.

The conference is addressed mainly to:

  • Manufacturers of heat and electricity
  • Producers of biomass and alternative fuels
  • Traders pellets, chips and alternative fuels

            intensive industries

  • Representatives of public sector entities
  • Enterprises municipal sector
  • Solution providers and technology
  • Representatives of investors implementing projects to build thermal treatment plants for waste, biomass, etc. blocks.
  • Operators controlling the quality of fuels
  • Waste management plants
  • Companies from the construction sector and project contractors
  • Companies design and engineering, consulting and law firms

Forum of Biomass & Waste is a series of debates, meetings and accompanying events, the subject of which includes the most important issues for the development of the biomass sector and entities related to the industry WTE (waste to energy). The main objective of the Forum is to bring together experts from many countries, so that they can exchange experiences on the latest developments related to the usage of biomass and waste for energy purposes. Today Forum functions as a platform for the exchange of current knowledge and an important tool for the transfer of know-how, technology and innovation. The event annually collects a wide range of market representatives, including industry experts, biomass suppliers, representatives of the municipal sector, scientists, engineers and technologists, as well as industry organizations, financial institutions and representatives of government and administration.

For more information about the VIth Forum of Biomas & Waste can be obtained from:

Barbara Boczek, Communication Specialist

tel: +48 22 82 77 123, +48 795 998 236


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